Erasmus+ Creativity Project

Erasmus+ Creativity Project

Our school is participating in an exciting Erasmus+ project, over a two-year period, which is looking at how teachers can teach in creative ways so as to help students learn in creative ways!

Working in collaboration with education institutions in Poland, Greece, Turkey and Portugal, a team of teachers in our school are coming up with ideas and ways to help our students learn and equip them with some of the skills and competencies they will need for the 21st Century.

Learn more by clicking here for the project website!

You can read newsletters from the project by clicking on the following

Spaces Project Newsletter 1

Spaces Project Newsletter 2

Spaces Project Newsletter 3

Spaces Project Newsletter 4

Spaces Project Newsletter 5

Spaces Project Newsletter 6

You can view the press releases that were issued about the project below:

Spaces Project Press Release 1

Spaces Project Press Release 2

Intellectual Outputs

There are three intellectual outputs from our participation in this project. These outputs are what we worked on during the project and these will be of benefit to our students and teachers here in Edmund Rice College. These outputs will supplement the work that the Teaching and Learning Group in our school carries out which is looking at ways in which our students learn and in which our teachers teach and how these can be aided and improved upon.

The first intellectual output was the production of a handbook for students called How to Learn Creatively? This is an interactive handbook which has many interesting and practical links for students. Please have a look at the handbook from IO1 below. In time the outputs from IO2 How to Teach Creatively and IO3 How to Create Creative Spaces will  be available on this page.

How To Learn Creatively?